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D (educadores dedicados)

Como director de la junta escolar en el Distrito 5 de Oakland, creo que es esencial reconocer y recompensar a los educadores dedicados que trabajan tan arduamente para nuestros estudiantes. Los educadores deben recibir un pago justo por su trabajo, tener acceso a recursos y capacitaciones que los ayuden a hacer mejor su trabajo, horas de preparación adecuadas durante el día y apoyo en cada sitio escolar. Debemos llenar las vacantes del distrito con candidatos calificados para crear un plan integral que ilustre cómo cada sitio escolar contará con recursos para satisfacer las necesidades de sus comunidades únicas. 


Under my leadership, I am committed to uplifting policies that directly increase support systems within our schools while also creating partnerships with district families and local organizations in order to creatively resource our most vulnerable populations such as special education learners or families facing economic hardship. Furthermore we can implement sensitivity training programs throughout all levels of staff along with family engagement practices which can help bridge any gaps between home life and academic success for students across the district . Finally active School Site Councils need representation from teachers themselves so they may voice concerns regarding curriculum changes , budget allocations etc..   By recognizing these needs , we can ensure equity among all learners regardless if they are learning remotely or face-to-face instruction this upcoming year . When educators feel appreciated by having access necessary tools needed plus fair compensation then it allows them more time focusing on what matters most – teaching! As your leader I am confident together through collaboration we shall strive towards creating an equitable educational system where every student has opportunity reach his/her fullest potential!

R (presupuesto responsable)

Como director potencial de la junta escolar en el Distrito 5 de Oakland, estoy comprometido a garantizar que nuestro distrito sea financieramente responsable y equitativo. Para lograr este objetivo, es fundamental que tomemos el control de nuestras finanzas y nos aseguremos de que las decisiones tomadas se mantengan locales. Debemos implementar prácticas presupuestarias que prioricen el acceso de los estudiantes a los recursos y, al mismo tiempo, minimicen los gastos innecesarios. 

To ensure we are making sound financial decisions, we must conduct an equity impact analysis on all investments before they are made by the district. Additionally, no school closures should be considered unless absolutely necessary due to budgetary reasons or other pressing factors such as safety concerns or overcrowding issues; these measures should only be taken after careful and deliberation with stakeholders from all affected communities involved in the process. Furthermore, any current investments should undergo an audit so their effectiveness can be evaluated and unnecessary spending can then be reduced accordingly as needed.  Transparency will play a key role in informing public school families and the greater Oakland community about how funds are being managed within Oakland public schools. I commit to providing timely updates on outcomes related to each investment decision made by the Board under my leadership. I want to rebuild the trust between constituents & elected officials which will further strengthen community involvement as well as accountability across departments/divisions within our district's infrastructure.

E (Comunidades escolares comprometidas)

Es esencial que aumentemos la participación familiar dentro de nuestras escuelas y aumentemos profundamente la participación comunitaria a nivel de distrito. Esto se puede hacer asegurándose de que cada sitio escolar tenga un Consejo Escolar activo según lo dispuesto por el Código de Educación de California. Dichos consejos deben incluir la participación plena de directores, maestros, padres y estudiantes por igual para que se pueda escuchar la voz de todos sobre la mejor manera de mejorar los resultados de los estudiantes. 

When families are engaged in meaningful ways inside a school's walls they become better advocates for their children - leading to improved attendance rates which have been proven time again as being integral for academic success; not just grades but also social/emotional growth too! Additionally having strong communities around each individual site will create a sense of belonging which helps build resilience amongst young people who may otherwise feel isolated or unsupported during difficult times such as these pandemic ones we are currently living through together right now!  Under my leadership I believe strongly that engaging both families & communities within our schools will lead us closer towards achieving successful educational outcomes across District 5.


A (liderazgo distrital responsable)

 Seré un líder comprometido a garantizar que nuestras escuelas trabajen en el mejor interés de sus estudiantes y la comunidad. Mi estilo de liderazgo priorizará la toma de decisiones inclusiva que escuche todas las voces y respete sus aportes cuando llegue el momento de tomar decisiones sobre cómo se deben asignar los recursos o qué programas deben recibir financiamiento. Entiendo que las personas más cercanas a un problema a menudo tienen más información sobre lo que funciona mejor, por lo que sus opiniones no solo deben ser bienvenidas sino priorizadas al crear políticas educativas. 

I am also dedicated to leading with integrity and being accountable for my actions on behalf of district 5's constituents. This means taking responsibility for any mistakes made while also ensuring transparency throughout every step of policy implementation process. It's essential that everyone feel confident knowing they can trust their leaders – this includes holding myself responsible and making myself available to the community I hope to serve. As your school board director, you can count on me take ownership over my role while always keeping student success at the forefront during times where difficult decisions need to be made . With your vote, we can continue building towards a better future together by implementing policies based upon sound judgement and effective collaboration between stakeholders across our district.


M (competencia multicultural)

Como director de la junta escolar del Distrito 5, estoy comprometido a honrar la rica y vibrante historia de Oakland. Desde el Partido Pantera Negra hasta Fred Korematsu y los guerrerenses y oaxaqueños de la Costa Chica que han hecho de Oakland su hogar, nuestro distrito tiene una herencia cultural única que debe reflejarse en nuestras escuelas y comunidades. Es hora de que tomemos medidas a través de la implementación de políticas para que todos los estudiantes tengan acceso a una educación de calidad que afirme su identidad. 

I will push forward initiatives such as providing teachers with intentional resources for teaching students from diverse backgrounds as well as training on multi-cultural competency so everyone feels safe and a sense of belonging in their classrooms. We also need more funding allocated towards programs like bilingual education which help bridge language barriers between teachers/students while empowering them through knowledge acquisition about different cultures within our district. Furthermore, I want us to focus on developing strong relationships between families/schools where parents are engaged partners in their children’s learning process instead of just being observers at parent-teacher conferences or open house events every year..  It is my goal as your school board director that each student receives equitable educational experiences no matter what public school they attend.


Arte por: Desi Mundo IG @withoutmyego  

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